Enlightenment and the Great Heart Break

Mama ain’t coming and there is no “solution” to suffering.

What is sought is the end of seeking.

The evolutionary impulse towards freedom from suffering comes with being alive. This movement of Life is both the best and the worst thing that can happen to you, through you, as you.

A quest for spiritual freedom can help gather the energies of our dissatisfaction to such a degree that we are fuelled from within to transcend our illusions.

Sometimes learning about the possibility for freedom alone is enough to reorient and deepen our lives. But what is Enlightenment? Does it actually exist? 

If you’re looking for a cosmic finish line to cross and a trophy to carry with you for your courage and so-called achievement, then you are only interested in further delusion and not in freedom. 

Something much greater than you-with-a-plan is running your life and always has been. Dying into that is freedom. What dies if not ignorance itself?

Freedom is a fire that burns every bit of confusion and separation you carry including the assumption that there is something wrong or lacking and the illusion that there is a “you” who can own Enlightenment.

As we deepen and awaken, we find not amazing experiences of orgasmic bliss to cling to, but a freedom that is not dependent on experience. Unbound by how we feel or what happens, freedom flows as Life itself - including and transcending all there is.

The journey of spiritual (and relational!) maturation is one of great disillusionment and therefore, great heart break. Everything you think freedom is or awakening will give you is garbage to be composted.

Losing your illusions is neither easy nor comfortable. The openness needed to experience and live as primordial peace has no room for a separate experiencer who can claim ownership.

Awakening is the ultimate disappointment to “you” who wants to keep it and carry it as a badge. And the world belongs to the broken hearted for, by opening fully, they have gone beyond it.

If you’re interested in feeling special or different in any way whatsoever, then better get into something else. The big E is the end of any and every ounce of specialness or self-importance you carry. It is the ultimate humiliation for the sake of Truth and Truth alone.

True humility is the realization of your nothingness. No one going no where. You cannot think it.

If you’re willing to live as awakeness prior to any identity (also including every identity possible) if you can bear the grace, the utter beauty and lightness of nobodyness and not-knowing, then here is a feast worth looking for. 

If you’re instead looking for fireworks and perpetual orgasms, then nothing can satisfy your spiritual ambitions and greed.

Realizations (flashy moments of awakenings and insights) alone don’t result in true liberation. We are brought down to our knees again and again and again regardless of how “awakened” we might think we are.

“Giving up control” or “letting go” aren’t things we can do, but freeing states we can have access to when we recognize how deeply we are invested in trying to control and how much we want to hang on to things instead of letting them be!

There is freedom from “you” who thinks there’s something wrong. An assumption making an assumption. What is sought is the end of seeking.

Dying into Life.

To book a free discovery session with me, click here.


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