Beyond Communication: Finding the Still Point
The importance of expressing ourselves in our relationships cannot be overemphasized. It is essential that we speak up so that our partner knows what’s going on for us. We need to be able to make requests when we want or need something instead of getting upset with our partner for not reading our minds.
Unfortunately, a lot of us don’t grow up learning how to effectively express ourselves and because of this, a lot of our communication stays mind-based instead of coming directly from our hearts.
We can get so caught up in trying to communicate well and expressing the details of a situation that we forget to connect with ourselves in the first place.
People in great relationships take the time to drop into themselves before they speak, especially when the topic they are discussing is emotionally charged.
When we stop and take a moment to connect with how we’re feeling and stay there, we can find a point of stillness at the core of any mental or emotional intensity. We deepen our experience of the moment - our mind quietens and we feel more connected with our heart.
Now we are more ready to connect with our partner and express ourselves. We are also much more capable of listening to them, resonating not only with what they are saying, but also with their tone of voice, body language, and their overall emotional field.
We are no longer merely communicating, we are connecting with our partner, communing with their very being - because we are in tune with our own being.
In these moments of deep connection with our partner, agreement or disagreement with what they are saying becomes secondary. We are no longer keeping score or trying to be right.
This is what love feels like.
Click here to get in touch with me for a free discovery call. Read more about relationships here.