Nisargadatta’s Quantum Psychology

Nisargadatta Maharaj died in early 1980s. He was an Indian guru of non-dualism. He is the author of the spiritual classic “I Am That.” A student of Nisargadatta’s describes his guru’s support as the following:

“My teacher helped me look at what I had not looked at, confront what I did not know I needed to confront, question what I did not know I needed to question, and let go of that which I did not know I was holding onto.”

Nisargadatta Maharaj is the father of Quantum Psychology, whose only aim is to wake you up to your true nature. Here are the nine principles from the core of Quantum Psychology:

1. There is only One Substance.

This is very much the Heart Sutra in Buddhism: Form in Emptiness and Emptiness is Form. They are not two.

2. What you know about yourself came outside of you, therefore discard it.

Your ultimate (spiritual) essence cannot be found in what you’ve accumulated as knowledge in time including where you’re from, where you were born, and any other knowledge you use to refer to yourself.

3. Question everything, do not believe anything.

See through the unsubstantiality of beliefs. Use the power of your intellect to question and discard any assumptions you might have about the nature of Reality.

4. In order to find out who you really are, you must first find out who you are not.

Explore your moment-to-moment experience and see clearly the elements at play. You can be aware of your self-image, that means you are not your self-image. The same is true for your thoughts and emotions, and much more.

5. In order to let go of something, you must first know what it is.

Seeing things the way they are liberates. Explore and cultivate intimacy with the different aspects of your experience and your being.

6. The experiencer is contained within the experience itself.

There is no separate experiencer apart from the experiencing. The subject and object are not two and they co-arise and co-subside.

7. Anything you think you are—you are not.

See thought for what it is - a figment of imagination, a mechanism of abstraction including all language. You cannot be what is imagined by the mind.

8. Hold onto the I AM, let go of everything else.

In meditation, stay with the sense of I AM, this is your general feeling of existing as in being alive. Stay there and don’t go into definitions or labels of yourself. Establish yourself in the feeling of pure Being.

9. Anything you know you cannot be.

Any knowledge is only more addition to what’s always and already here. Anything that can be added cannot be your true self.

“Nirvana means extinction”

“No being has ever entered Nirvana”

the Buddha

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St. Teresa’s Dark Night of the Soul